Feedback? Ideas? Complaints? Suggestions? Request for report about other area? send me a message!
This page was generated using data obtained on 2024-10-12. Please, send me a message if you want it updated!

Remember to check whether edits make sense! All reports are on this page because these tasks require human judgment to verify whether the proposed edit makes sense. Some proposed edits will be wrong, in such case they should be not done and problem reported

Wikipedia article linked from OSM object using wikipedia tag is missing.
Often article was moved without leaving redirect and wikipedia tag should be edited to point to the new one.
Article may be deleted and no longer existing, or link was never valid. In such cases wikipedia tag should be deleted.

Ranchos de Taos - an affected OSM element that may be improved

Historic Plaza Hotel - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( relation(13715685)['wikipedia'='en:Rachos de Taos, New Mexico']; way(256172103)['wikipedia'='en:Plaza_Hotel_(Las_Vegas%2C_New_Mexico)']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia tag links to 404']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a transport accident

linked wikidata entry (Q7672510)(TWA Flight 260 article) is about a transport accident, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
TWA Flight 260 - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q219355)(Roswell incident article) is about a transport accident, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Roswell crash - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(3735491569)['wikidata'='Q7672510']; node(3833673955)['wikidata'='Q219355']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a transport accident']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a crime

linked wikidata entry (Q7010252)(New Mexico State Penitentiary riot article) is about a crime, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Penitentiary of New Mexico Old Main Unit - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( way(373706370)['wikidata'='Q7010252']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a crime']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to an animal or plant (and not an individual one)

linked wikidata entry (Q158150)(Symphoricarpos albus article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q469576)(Populus tremuloides article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q1193369)(Fraxinus americana article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(12079685870)['wikidata'='Q158150']; node(12079685871)['wikidata'='Q469576']; node(12087115843)['wikidata'='Q1193369']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to an animal or plant (and not an individual one)']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a human

linked wikidata entry (Q971382)(Aldo Leopold article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Aldo Leopold House - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q67189034)(Leonora Scott Muse Curtin article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Leonora Curtin Paloheimo - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q1159131)(Dan Namingha article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Passage - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q4932682)(Bob Haozous article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Gate Negate - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q5569200)(Glenna Goodacre article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Water Bearers - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q175745)(Allan Houser article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Raindrops - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q676555)(Francis of Assisi article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
St. Francis and the Prairie Dog - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q3330927)(Joseph Henry Sharp article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
J.H. Sharp 1915 Studio - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q18392780)(Joseph Fidel article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Joseph A. Fidel Center - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q711954)(John Stapp article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Stapp Air Space Park - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q30182306)(Concha Ortiz y Pino article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Concha Ortiz y Pino Building - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q15461245)(John Gaw Meem article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
U-Shaped Arts and Crafts Building - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(10227827962)['wikidata'='Q971382']; node(11211081036)['wikidata'='Q67189034']; node(4673742193)['wikidata'='Q1159131']; node(4673742196)['wikidata'='Q4932682']; node(4673742202)['wikidata'='Q5569200']; node(4673743983)['wikidata'='Q175745']; node(8045451829)['wikidata'='Q676555']; way(1095035945)['wikidata'='Q3330927']; way(116052023)['wikidata'='Q18392780']; way(1315440059)['wikidata'='Q711954']; way(461732966)['wikidata'='Q30182306']; way(480305771)['wikidata'='Q15461245']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a human']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a vehicle model or class

linked wikidata entry (Q333859)(Boeing X-37 article) is about a vehicle model or class, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or model:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Daisy Track - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( way(484430296)['wikidata'='Q333859']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a vehicle model or class']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia tag to a chain store

linked wikidata entry (Q18062004)(Twisters article) is about a chain store, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or brand:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Twisters - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(8258515715)['wikipedia'='en:Twisters']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia tag to a chain store']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia tag to a software

linked wikidata entry (Q596529)(LORAN article) is about a software, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
LORAN Station - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( way(96521099)['wikipedia'='en:LORAN']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia tag to a software']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia tag to a public transport network

linked wikidata entry (Q18350906)(Albuquerque Rapid Transit article) is about a public transport network, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or operator:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Albuquerque Rapid Transit - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( relation(11549185)['wikipedia'='en:Albuquerque Rapid Transit']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia tag to a public transport network']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikidata tag to a human

linked wikidata entry (Q121130222) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Earth Mother - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(4673742201)['wikidata'='Q121130222']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikidata tag to a human']

wikipedia wikidata mismatch

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q49360996 vs Q16302775 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikidata tag links a redirect (Q49360996 to Q1836445).
Placitas - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q86688437 vs Q56585 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q41713824 vs Q1147559 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Very Long Baseline Array - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q49521376 vs Q6753452 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Manzano Mountains State Park - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q20950055 vs Q663625 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
St. John's College - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( relation(171103)['wikidata'='Q49360996']['wikipedia'='en:Placitas, Doña Ana County, New Mexico']; relation(4832422)['wikidata'='Q86688437']['wikipedia'='en:Mescalero']; way(48381015)['wikidata'='Q41713824']['wikipedia'='en:Very Long Baseline Array']; way(579777804)['wikidata'='Q49521376']['wikipedia'='en:Manzano Mountains State Park']; way(734993408)['wikidata'='Q20950055']['wikipedia'='en:St. John\'s College (Annapolis/Santa Fe)']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia wikidata mismatch']

information board with wikidata tag, not subject:wikidata

information board topic must be tagged with subject:wikidata tag - not with wikipedia tag
Clifton House Site Historical Marker - an affected OSM element that may be improved

information board topic must be tagged with subject:wikidata tag - not with wikipedia tag
Palisades Sill Historical Marker - an affected OSM element that may be improved

information board topic must be tagged with subject:wikidata tag - not with wikipedia tag
Estancia Historical Marker - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(357612112)['information'='board']['wikidata'='Q49478602']; node(357612678)['information'='board']['wikidata'='Q49537117']; node(357612786)['information'='board']['wikidata'='Q49487515']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['information board with wikidata tag, not subject:wikidata']

malformed secondary wikipedia tag - for operator prefixed tags

malformed value in operator:wikipedia tag (
Museum Hill - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( way(726056076)['operator:wikipedia'='']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['malformed secondary wikipedia tag - for operator prefixed tags']

malformed secondary wikipedia tag - for name:etymology prefixed tags

malformed value in name:etymology:wikipedia tag (Leonora Scott Curtin)
Leonora Curtin Wetland Preserve - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( way(532585937)['name:etymology:wikipedia'='Leonora Scott Curtin']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['malformed secondary wikipedia tag - for name:etymology prefixed tags']

wikipedia wikidata mismatch - for operator prefixed tags

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
345 kV - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
345 kV - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
345 kV - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
115 kV transmission line - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
115 kV transmission line - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
West Mesa to Belen 115 kV transmission line - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
345 kV - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
345 kV - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
115 kV transmission line - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
115 kV transmission line - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
115 kV transmission line - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
West Mesa to Belen 115 kV transmission line - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
West Mesa Switching Station - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
345 kV - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
West Mesa to Belen 115 kV transmission line - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
345 kV - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Norton Substation - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Buckman Unit Substation - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Tramway Substation - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Hamilton Substation - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Lomas Sub - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
West Mesa Switching Station - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
115 kV transmission line - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
115 kV transmission line - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Murales Road Substation - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Beckner Sub - an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

operator:wikidata and operator:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q112271592 vs Q7119849 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
West Mesa to Sandia 345 kV transmission line - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(7050149317)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1021841649)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(104762750)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1078084727)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1078084728)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1104844299)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1104844303)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1104844304)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1119383904)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1128060384)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1128060385)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1187344962)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1236725876)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287554956)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287554960)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287554969)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287554975)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287557971)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287557980)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558025)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558043)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558044)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558054)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558066)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558067)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558068)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558210)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558219)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558220)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558222)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558227)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558232)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558241)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558242)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558244)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558245)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558249)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558278)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558279)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558281)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558282)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558284)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558285)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558286)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558287)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558288)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558289)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558290)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558291)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558293)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558294)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558295)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(1287558299)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(136334404)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(136334408)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(136334409)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(136334411)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(136340116)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(136391117)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(136391454)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(136393464)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(136393466)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(136438537)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(136438540)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(136438542)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(136460054)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(136460057)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(160662135)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(169507771)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(174251747)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(181797946)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(193437880)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(344549813)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386235670)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386235671)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386235674)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386235676)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386235677)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386235678)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386235679)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240388)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240389)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240390)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240391)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240392)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240393)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240394)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240395)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240396)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240397)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240398)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240399)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240400)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240401)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240402)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240403)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240404)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240405)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240406)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386240407)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386241167)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386241168)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(386531505)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(44141099)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(44141103)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(452133858)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(452133860)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(462005838)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(596152432)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(689622083)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(691547333)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(824558206)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(826316339)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(957404405)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(957404406)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; way(957745594)['operator:wikidata'='Q112271592']['operator:wikipedia'='en:PNM Resources']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia wikidata mismatch - for operator prefixed tags']

wikipedia page in unexpected language - ceb is a low quality, bot generated wikipedia - it should not be linked
Wheeler Peak Historical Marker - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikipedia page in unexpected language - ceb is a low quality, bot generated wikipedia - it should not be linked
Harvey Cornell Rose Park - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(357612375)['wikidata'='Q49579782']['wikipedia'='ceb:Wheeler Peak Historical Marker']; way(461965581)['wikidata'='Q49480189']['wikipedia'='ceb:Cornell Park (parke sa Tinipong Bansa, New Mexico)']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia tag links bot wikipedia']

malformed secondary wikidata tag - for flag prefixed tags

malformed value in flag:wikidata tag (Q)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(9054730895)['flag:wikidata'='Q']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['malformed secondary wikidata tag - for flag prefixed tags']

Other useful resources

JOSM Wikipedia plugin

Note to self: online version hosted at, files are stored at